Support Logs Kept Simple App

The 'Logs Kept Simple' app is a very easy way to record your outdoor activities, whether they are hiking or paddling. The app uses GPS to track your location and create a log of your previous activities.

The 'Log' section summarizes the activity between the Start and Stop Tracking points, telling you the total distance, time, and weather conditions.

The 'Track' section displays the recorded tracks on a map with start and stop locations and the path you followed.

Location Services Approval
When you open the app for the first time, iOS will ask for your approval to access Location Services. This grants the app access to GPS tracking data. If you don't see an option to select 'Always,' exit the app and go to the Settings app. Scroll down until you find the entry for LogsKeptSimple, and open it. In that section, select 'Location' and then choose 'Always.' The next time you open the app, it will have access to the GPS data.")

How to Start Tracking
To start tracking, open the app and click the 'Start Tracking' button. This will open the details page where you can input the type of activity and a Trip Name.\n\nLogsKeptSimple can record hikes, as well as canoe, kayak, and sea kayak trips. The different types will be designated in the Track and Log entries with (Hike), (Canoe), etc.

Name your trip with a description of the route or location.")

GPS Accuracy
While you are tracking,beneath the logo, you will see a line of text labeled 'GPS accuracy' followed by either 'No Signal,' 'Poor Signal,' or a distance estimate. Before you begin tracking your location, you should wait until the accuracy reaches the desired level. The accuracy will improve as you move, but your starting location could be off by up to 50 meters if you don't wait for enough satellites to come into view.")

Managing Your POIs
When you come across a location that you want to store, you can add a Point of Interest, or POI. By clicking the 'Add POI' button from the main screen, you will be asked to name the POI and select a Group for it to be stored within. A Group is a collection of POIs that can be as close together or as diverse as you want. They can be reviewed by clicking the 'Display POI' button.")

For additional support on the apps use and more information, please email:

Support Logs Kept Simple Website

The 'Logs Kept Simple' website is a way to record your logs for all of your outdoor activities, divided up into Hikes, Paddles (Canoe, Kayak and Sea Kayak) and Vertical (Abseiling, Caving, Canyong and Climbing).

On login you are taken to the dashboard that shows a rolled up total of all these activities, separated into the three main categories.

The main menu navigation lets you change between the three main categories to see the log for those activities. You can view your main activity type stats, Import or export your logs, edit your user profile or link the LogsKeptSimple App to the website for simple log additions.

Using your log
You can view a map for the activity if you have uploaded it form the LogsKeptSimple App, view the details or edit the listing. Delete will delete all the associated data for that activity do be sure that you want to remove it.

If you are not using the companion app to upload your tracks, you can use the 'Add' function to enter the main details of the activity. NOTE: You will not be able to have a map for the activity if they are added in this way.

Export Log Function
After you have your log items entered, go to the import/export logs page to create a PDF log of all of your activities. These logs are in a standardised format and include all your logged data to be either saved for a permanent record or to be used for evidence for professional development purposes.

Screen shots
Below are some of the screens that you will interact with on the Logs Kept Simple website.

Hiking Log Hiking Log Hiking Log Hiking Log Hiking Log Hiking Log
For additional support on the apps use and more information, please email: